Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Letters of Lady Montagu

The letters of Lady Mary Montagu reflect the enlightened ideals of a worldly woman. Her letters detail her travels around Europe and offer a unique glimpse into the practices of other cultures and societies. Some of the most interesting encounters Lady Montagu had are found in her letter to Lady Rich. In this specific letter, Lady Montagu recalls her encounter in Vienna, Austria. She was approached with the proposition of an affair. Rather than being shocked and dismissing the idea, Lady Montagu politely dismissed the idea. She subsequently writes to Lady Montagu and expresses her intrigue at the idea of a “affair of the heart”. Another enlightened characteristic that Lady Montagu demonstrates through her letters is found in the letter addressed to Mr. Pope. From Vienna, Lady Montagu again explains some of the different social cultures and aesthetics she encountered. In this specific letter dated 14 September 1716, Lady Montagu explains the opera that she had seen titled Favorita. She mentions that this play would create great controversy in England, however, she enjoyed it. Lady Montagu’s views on European society and culture are indicative of an enlightened thinker. Her openness to new ways of thinking show an acceptance of humankind in its entirety. Lady Montagu accepted the practices of others and as a consequence demonstrated how to be an enlightened thinker.

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